Throughout cinematic history, different actors and comedians have defined an era. Charlie Chaplin, Abbott and Costello, Jerry Lewis, Eddie Murphy and Jim Carrey all have played their part in redefining comedy for their generation. They all provided wit and physicality that connected with audiences at a specific time in history and none did this better than Laurel and Hardy, the comedic partnership that owned comedy during the 20’s and 30’s.
This comedy duo worked on 107 films together and though most modern audiences may never have seen their movies, this look and comedic style has lived on. With Stan Laurel’s uncanny timing and doe-eyed buffoonery and Oliver Hardy’s immense size, singing abilities and bully-like manner, they set the standard for comedy duos. Stan & Ollie looks into the lesser known time at the end of their careers and how they had to work to find work to survive the strife brought on by poor life choices and multiple divorces. Proving that pain and suffering usually provide the inspiration for many of the best laughs and gags in history.
For fans to go back and watch the pratfalls and pace of comedians of previous decades will provide a glimpse into the inspiration for modern comedians and they may wonder what made these performances appealing. The physical style and timing of Chaplin, Keeton and Laurel & Hardy have a certain magic, but seem to move in slow motion in comparison to the work seen in movies today. This is what can be said of director Jeff Pope’s biopic, a story that is heart-warming with great performances from Coogan and Reilly, but set to a pace from a bygone era.
To experience these icons in their twilight years is both endearing and heart-breaking. The two leads manage to capture the bittersweet journey that most great partnerships must work through over time. Showing that Stan Laurel was the real genius behind their act, but that the men needed one another and that this chemistry could not be manufactured. This is truly a biographical film that is designed for fans of comedy and history. Stan & Ollie is meant for a leisurely stroll down memory lane with a good friend with the expectation of a few laughs, a few tears and an appreciation for close relationships.
REEL DIALOGUE: What is the value of a good friend?
Laurel & Hardy helped to set the stadard for buddy films. This is a genre that has been a mainstay in cinematic history and they tap into the felt need for friendships. These men were business partners, but close friends, too.
Solomon writes of friendship in this manner, "two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." This is one encouraging passage amongst many that talks to the value of friendship and how God is the author of this beautiful gift to humanity.
Solomon writes of friendship in this manner, "two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." This is one encouraging passage amongst many that talks to the value of friendship and how God is the author of this beautiful gift to humanity.
1. What does the God have to say about friendship ? (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Proverbs 18:24)
2. Does God want to be our friend? (Genesis 3)
3. Does God care about my life? (Matthew 6: 8, 26)
Written by Russell Matthews based on a five-star rating system @ Russelling Reviews #russellingrevs #laurelandhardy #stan&ollie
Trailer for the film
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