Best James Bond? Where have they been and who will be next?

To get people to share their thoughts about a historical figure, you should expect that they would get passionate about certain religious or political individuals. Yet, the individual that can garner the most passion in the quietest soul is the fictional character, James Bond. If conversation is at a lull at a party, merely ask the questions, 'Who was the best James Bond?'

Russelling Reviews - Spectre review

The quiet, unassuming individual will become a staunchly opinionated supporter of their favourite super spy. Opinions can be due to a key memory or scene from their favourite Bond film, but most are purely subjective. This following lists come from attempt at answering this infamous question and will add one caveat, who will be the next Bond?
Skyfall set a new standard for Bond films, but Daniel Craig is only contracted for one more film after the release of Spectre. So, who was the best and who will be the best next Bond?

Russelling Reviews list of the best Bonds: (Best to worst)
  1. Sean Connery - The original and no one can say, 'Bond, James Bond' better.
  2. Daniel Craig - The 'Bourne-Bond', Craig has cemented his position on the top.
  3. Pierce Bronson - The 90s Bond. The smart mouth and the look, but not the action hero.
  4. Timothy Dalton - A darker version of Bond after Roger Moore and did not seem to connect with audiences.
  5. Roger Moore - one of the most prolific Bonds, but represents the feminised and farcical Bond.
  6. George Lazenby - Who? Exactly. An Australian model who should have remained on the runway opposed to holding the Beretta.  
Who will be the next Bond?

Daniel Craig is exceptionally popular and will be a hard act to follow, but the Bond legacy will have to live on after he is done. If he does retire from being 007, the British bookmakers have had an extensive list of the next potential Bond. Who would you choose?

Top of the list:
  1. Tom Hardy (Mad Max: Fury Road)
  2. Michael Fassbender (X-men: First Class)
  3. Henry Cavill (Man of Steel)
  4. Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead)
  5. Orlando Bloom (The Lord of the Rings trilogy)
  6. Richard Armitage (TheHobbit trilogy)
Distant options:
  1. Tom Hiddleston (The Avengers - Loki)
  2. Jason Stratham (The Transporter)
  3. Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Grey)
Who would Russelling Reviews choose for the next Bond? 

Sad to see Daniel Craig go, but when he does it should be Michael Fassbender

Who would you choose to be the next Bond, James Bond?

Rankings by Russell Matthews @ Russelling Reviews #whowillbethenextjamesbond #whowasthebestbond
